From the analysis on grocery shops in Rangpur city we find some environmental impacts which indicate to

1.Economical impacts:
Economics is the well-related study for any class of people. Although grocery shop is a simple element for influencing economical environment but we have no option to maintain the economical environment without
grocery shops. Basically Rangpur city’s grocery shops must be influenced with the change of economical balance. We find that, when any types of economical problem creates, this problem impacts on Rangpur city’s grocery shops. When the whole country’s economical environment drive with the scarcity of current money, this limitation impacts on the Rangpur city’s grocery shops.2.Infrastructural backwardness:
It is well known to everyone that the northern part of Bangladesh specially Rangpur Zone is a neglected area for infrastructural improvement. For this reason, there have no proper infrastructural influencement for Rangpur city and this limitation impacts on the grocery business of Rangpur city.
3.Communication system:
3.Communication system:
In present world without communication, any business can not drive business activities with comfortable mood. More over if business man can not move there good with modern vehicle, this limitation damages their business. Rangpur city is a additional-vehicle based city and there have no proper or systematic transportation system and that is why every business man specially grocery shops holder can not drive their business with comfortable mood.
4. Monga:
4. Monga:
Monga is a significant economical recession for northern part of Bangladesh specially Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat, Nilphamary districts. In October-December when there have no output of food specially crops, Monga affects and it damages all business activities severely. As Rangpur city is a central point of business of northern part, and Monga damages this city’s business, grocery business also damages for Monga.
5.Lack of power supply:
5.Lack of power supply:
Present Business keeps its continuous and steady mood with the condition of highest power supply. It is a matter of regret that there have a lot of lackings for supply of electricity in Rangpur city. For the negative impacts of load-shedding, grocery shop holder can not drive their business continuously.
6.Huge distance between customer class:
6.Huge distance between customer class:
Rangpur city is such citizen-based city, where purchasing power of consumers is so different from another to other and this distance creates many consumer class and this negative exercise impacts on grocery shops.
7.The tendency of shopkeepers to make high profit without consideration of customer’s satisfaction:
7.The tendency of shopkeepers to make high profit without consideration of customer’s satisfaction:
There have some negative habits of Rangpur city’s shopkeepers. Most of time they express such attitudes to the customer which only establish or ensure the high amount of profit without consideration of consumer’s satisfaction and this attitudes of shopkeepers influence the customers’ demand to neglect it.
8.Natural disasters:
8.Natural disasters:
Bangladesh is situated in a high risk zone for natural calamities. Specially the northern part of Bangladesh are facing many natural disasters specially“Kaboishakhi storm” and other significant disasters create an unexpected business environment and this environment impacts on grocery business in Rangpur city.
9.Traffic Jam in Rangpur city:
9.Traffic Jam in Rangpur city:
At this moment traffic jam is a severe problem for Rangpur city. Day by day this problem is increasing and this problem affects on business and for this problem any types of business man can not move their product. Grocery business also damages for the traffic jam. So traffic jam impacts on grocery business.
10.Locational impact:
10.Locational impact:
After all Rangpur city is a unplanned city for urbanization and all business centre do no situate in suitable area. For this reason some business area can not highlight the business activities. Moreover, this unplanned situation creates many problems such as communication problem and other and this problem impacts on grocery shops.
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